(607) 272-7054

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Diversity & Inclusion

Part of McGraw House’s mission statement includes a commitment to provide a housing environment that promotes diversity and encourages individuality.

Diversity & Inclusion Statement

McGraw House recognizes that the true value of diversity is the potential to increase group intelligence. As part of our mission, we aspire to make diversity a core and abiding strength that maintains respect for and acceptance of all who choose McGraw House as their home. To this end, all individuals are welcome here. Diversity, equity, and inclusiveness are the cornerstones of high organizational performance. Therefore, all Board members, employees, and residents are called upon to be role models who exhibit behaviors of acceptance, inclusion, and accountability. Differences among people shall have no bearing in the delivery of McGraw House services.

For action items and examples of how diversity, equity, and inclusion will be carried out, see the McGraw House website and the McGraw House Resident Handbook.

Diversity and Inclusion Action Items

McGraw House will carry out its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion through change, growth, and actions such as:

  • Zero tolerance for expressions of discrimination, bias, harassment, or negative stereotyping toward any person or group
  • Actively seeking residents, employees and Board members with diverse backgrounds, identities, and abilities
  • Successfully bringing together diverse groups of ideas, identities, and information to improve Board, employee, and resident engagement, and to solve difficult problems
  • Recruitment and retention policies that assure a diverse workforce
  • Promoting acceptance of the differences of others within our McGraw House community
  • Offering training about how to peacefully resolve differences
  • Providing artwork in public areas of the building that embraces a broad spectrum of cultures and ethnicities
  • Holding cultural celebrations
  • Continuing to develop policies and procedures that are mindful and inclusive.

Furthermore, McGraw House will work to develop and maintain:

  • An organization-wide understanding and acceptance of the purpose and reasons for diversity
  • Awareness, understanding, and education regarding diversity issues
  • The cultural competency of our residents, employees, Board members and other volunteers
  • A workforce ethic that embraces diversity and makes it the norm for all interactions, including delivery of services
  • A workplace and residential environment that is welcoming and supportive of all, and in which people feel safe to be themselves
  • A culture that encourages a sense of belonging for everyone who lives, works and volunteers at McGraw House, where individuals can express themselves in a non-threatening, open-minded environment, and can ask a question or express a concern and feel they have been heard
  • An environment that supports and nurtures every individual, throughout their tenure with McGraw House
McGraw House
physical address: 221 S. Geneva St. Ithaca, NY 14850
mailing address: 700 McGraw House Ithaca, NY 14850
phone: (607) 272-7054

McGraw House ©   copyright 2020   •   photos by Linda Weaver, staff and volunteers